Daylin Muñoz-Nuñez
Daylin Muñoz Nuñez is a program officer in the Environment Program’s oceans initiative, which is strategically investing in Chile, Mexico, Peru, Indonesia and the United States to make fishing the sustainability success story of the 21st century. Daylin manages the foundation’s grantmaking in Mexico, where she works closely with fishers, industry leaders, local communities, NGOs, the government and scientists to put in place the policies and practices that improve fisheries management and sustain fishing communities.
She is a marine biologist, originally from Cuba, and brings over a decade of experience working in fisheries across Latin America, including Mexico. Before joining the foundation, she was a Program Officer for the Oceans Program at World Wildlife Fund (WWF-US), where she worked with the fishing sector, government and scientists to promote sustainable fisheries management and electronic data reporting in Ecuador and Chile. Prior to that, she worked with Environmental Defense Fund conducting outreach in fishing communities and engaging multiple stakeholders in the design and implementation of rights-based fisheries management in Mexico.
Daylin received an undergraduate degree in marine biology from the University of Havana, and a master’s degree in Coastal Environmental Management from the Nicholas School of the Environment at Duke University.