Public Charter Startup Grants
The Startup Grant Program allows individual schools to receive funding if they are formally authorized as charter schools. Schools that have already received funding are not eligible for additional funding. However, if you are an operator seeking to open a new school (with its own school leader) you may be eligible for a new grant.
Please Note: If you are affiliated with an organization or school that has received funding in the past and currently have outstanding reports, you will not be able to receive funding until that organization or school has submitted their reports and those reports have been approved by a Walton Family Foundation program officer.
Reporting Documents
If your application is approved, your school is required to submit an annual expenditure and narrative report to describe how you have spent the grant funds.
Grantees that have received 501(c)(3) status from the IRS or have been approved as a public charter school at the time of funding approval must use this report: Startup Grant Recipient Report Template
Grantees that have not received 501(c)(3) status from the IRS or have not been approved as a public charter school at the time of funding approval must use this report: Startup Grant Recipient Expenditure Responsibility Report Template
Grant Budget Amendments
Amendments to the approved grant budget must be submitted in writing to request increases or decreases to line items (without changing the overall amount of the grant award). You will need to complete this template — Startup Grant Recipient Budget Amendment Request Template — and submit it to charterapps@wffmail.com. A Walton Family Foundation program officer will review the request for reallocation and make a decision to approve or deny.