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Trends in Student Social-Emotional Learning: Evidence From the CORE Districts

September 5, 2018
The development of social-emotional skills within the CORE districts, a network of urban California school districts that serve more than 1 million students

This study describes the development of key social-emotional skills within the CORE districts, a network of urban California school districts that collectively serve more than 1 million students. Funded in part by the Walton Family Foundation, this study presents the results of a survey of nearly 400,000 students – from 4th to 12th grade – on four social and emotional learning constructs: growth mindset, self-efficacy, self management, and social awareness.

Girls report higher self-management and social awareness than boys, but their self-efficacy drops sharply relative to boys in middle and high school. In addition, economically disadvantaged students report lower social-emotional skills, but gaps in self-management, growth mindset, and self-efficacy narrow in high school.
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