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Voices of Gen Z: Students Seek Relevant School Experiences to Prepare Them For Life and Career

August 21, 2024

In 2023, Gallup and the Walton Family Foundation released one of the largest and most comprehensive national research panels on the opinions and experiences of Gen Z members. This nationally representative, multiyear study aimed to understand and better support those between the ages of 12 and 27. The foundation believes their perspectives provide essential insight into how to improve schools to help students achieve their full potential.

In its second year, the annual research showed that while they are overwhelmingly optimistic about their futures, almost half of Gen Zers feel unprepared. School engagement has declined by every measure since last year. But strong teachers remain critical to a student’s success. Only one-third of students say their schools offer space to learn real-world job and interview skills. Increasing awareness of such skills and non-college pathways may help students find aligned and meaningful careers.

Read More About the Gen Z Research